The Program
Program Objective
To provide individuals with the cognitive capacity to master complexity by comprehending the scope and dynamism of the systems in which they are operating.
Program Methodology
Participants work individually to:
Understand the limitations of their current cognitive capacities and to see what needs to be done to transcend those limitations.
Learn how to apply the advantages of meta-systemic cognition.
Program Approach
The program presents participants with experiences, dialogues, exercises, tools and challenges that promote self-observation and self-reflection. These in turn develop the participants’ abilities to stand outside their current thinking, evaluate its limitations and develop more comprehensive and effective strategies.
Participants learn to:
View rational, analytical thought from a detached perspective, in order to evaluate it objectively.
Develop and access cognitive resources, including pattern recognition and intuition, which are not based on intellectual thought.
The Program teaches these skills through a variety of techniques, including:
Contemplative practices that free one’s attention and consciousness to build meta-systemic cognitive structures.
Dialogues, experiences and exercises that instil self-observation and self- reflection.
Conceptual frameworks that more accurately model complex phenomena.
Program Milestones
​Weeks 1 – 5
Participants develop the capacity to free themselves from the confines of their thoughts, emotions and motivations.
Participants build new representations of complex phenomena by directing their attention to factors not represented in their existing mental models.
Weeks 6 – 10
Participants access meta-systemic cognition for complex strategising.
Participants develop adaptive processes to deal with unfolding complexity.
Program Outcomes
At the completion of the program, participants become aware of how their own thought processes and intuitions operate, how they are limited, and how their effectiveness can be enhanced.
They are able to:
See which “systems” are determining their behaviours, interests and goals.
Free themselves from the dictates of their emotions, motivations, and other predispositions developed from past experience and conditioning.
Perceive and understand the complex systems and processes that are orchestrating events in their business environment.
See that apparently unrelated phenomena are, in fact, related through complex systems that can be understood and managed.
Build complex, adaptive, internal business processes that can cope with the complexity in the external business environment.
Demonstrate the advantages of meta-systemic cognition in managing fast-moving, complex phenomena.
Learn how to bring this meta-systemic cognitive capacity to any area of life.
See where their conventional thinking can be improved and strengthened.
You are encouraged to make contact so that together we can ascertain whether The Program is for you. Contact Here